Friday, April 25, 2008

My sweet Mexico shoes

While we were in Mexico I had to buy some shoes for our off-shore excursion in the jungle, so we managed to find a Walmart in Puerta Villarta. All the shoes there were in Mexican sizes and Mexicans do not have big feet apparently. I had to find the biggest in the men's department and there was only one pair even that big. They were so ugly, they were the joke of the trip, but I have to say they were pretty comfortable. I think even the Mexican guides were disgusted, maybe it is just cause my feet are huge!


jessica simonsen said...

oh jenna you so crazy. maby you should write their managers at walmart and tell them to order bigger shoes for the white man.
anyway I kinda like em.

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

You and your big ol' man feet! I guess they don't like your kind in Mexico! J/K you have very lovely feet!! You can use those bad boys next time you all go bowling!! :)